Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Feeling like a human being again!!

All of a sudden, yesterday and today, I've began to feel like a real, normal human being again. (Not some crazy, sick, sleepy prego person) Thanks for the prayers because I think they've been helping big time!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) Well, I'm still pretty sleepy! I actually got some laundry and dusting done! LOL Big accomplishment, I know!

Thank you Dr. Dan, last night I switched back to Flintstones vitamins; I think that helps a ton! Thank you Dr. Julie, your advice has been awesome as well!!!!!! Keep praying that the nausea will stay away!! I think I feel good enough to go back to the gym!! It's soo great not feeling nauseated all day! I've even been off the Zofran for 24 hours!! YAY!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I love pickles!!


So far, I've had mad cravings for pickles!! And Cheddars! And Chili Cheese Fritos! I don't like pickles anymore, it's like eating an alligator and the thought of it makes me sick.

Monday, April 21, 2008


We're so excited!!! We had our first doctor's appt on 4/17 to confirm the pregnancy. I already knew that I was pregnant, after 3 positive tests; LOL, and the nausea, back pain, etc.!! We feel so blessed and so excited to begin this exciting journey!

We are definitely going to find out what we're having, and as soon as we know (probably about Aug.) we'll let you know a name!! We're so glad that we joined Bally's; the exercise will be good for all three of us! ;) We think that the baby will be due on Christmas day, how exciting!! We need to have this baby in 08, for tax purposes!!

We also have a 4D ultrasound scheduled for early September!! We're allowed to bring family, and they can watch the baby on a plasma in another room!! YAY!!

I have an awesome group of ob/gyn's in Williamsburg, it's only about 15-20 min away. I'll be delivering at Sentara Williamsburg!