Monday, March 30, 2009

A Week Full of "Firsts"!

Wow!! Gavin has had a lot of "firsts" this past week!! (I'll try to add some more pics later!)
* First night sleeping in his own room, and he has been ever since!!! He's such a sweet baby!! He's been going 11 hours w/o eating at night!! We're soo proud of him!! He no longer sleeps in his swing; he's getting too strong! He now sleeps in his vibrating chair; w/o vibration (too many batteries to replace!!) We're hoping that he sleep laying down soon! His rice cereal has seemed to help with his reflux or his stomach is just maturing. He still chokes and gags after laying down.. so, we'll get there eventually!
* First time staying in the nursery! Only during our Sunday School; he's getting too distracting! We still took him to the contemporary service with us! We're/ I'm not quite ready to leave him for two services yet!!
* Mommy's first day back to work! It's going well! Gavin really likes to watch/ listen to the other kids!!
* First time taking a bath in the upstairs bath tub!! He's still using his infant tub, just no longer in the kitchen sink (he's started to learn that he can kick and splash!!) It's much more enjoyable for him upstairs!!
* First time eating cereal!! Which he loves and now opens his mouth for when he sees the spoon and when he's ready!! Of course he disliked it at first; but he quickly decided that this was something that he could get used too!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

First Cereal

Gavin ate his first cereal today! He's been so unhappy (screaming) when we burp him or he finishes eating; so, we thought we'd start some cereal (He's taking 4-6 bottles with 6-7 ounces each)! We tried cereal (in his bottle) after his two month appt. because his dr thought it would help with his reflux; but it seemed to not agree with him!! We'll see how it goes this time around! His weight gain has slowed down a little; we'll check again officially at his 4 month appt! I'm thinking he might be 13lbs by then, but maybe not! Hopefully, all of his summer clothes won't be too big!! We definitely can tell that he's growing in length! His little feet are at the bottom of his car seat already! Right now, Gavin's fav thing to do is standing! He gives the BIGGEST smiles when he's standing!! I'm (Katie) still recovering from the flu or food posioning (10 of us got sick so far); and praying that Gavin doesn't get sick! There are more pics on my FB. :)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Laura and Arthur are Here!

Laura (Josh's sis) and Arthur are here visiting and meeting Gavin for the first time! Here's a video of Laura playing with Gavin and a couple of pics!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Steeler Bear

Hey Everyone! I put up two new posts, so make sure you scroll down and check out the other one too!

We Miss You Aunt Teresa!!

After about 6 weeks of visiting, we had to say good bye to Aunt Teresa! Do we ever miss her!!! She would go with Gavin and I to dr's appts, running errands, which we would seem to do almost everyday!!! I'm trying to get a lot accomlished before I start daycare again! Not to mention the 2-3 dr's appt's most weeks!!! LOL! They will end soon!!! We finally got a new stroller right after Aunt T left! It's so lightweight and easy to push!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Color Red and Another One :)

In the first video, Gavin is learning all about the color red; and in the second he smiles a lot! These were both on our "snow day".