We had quite an interesting dr's visit today! The baby was not cooperating at all; and the dr couldn't hear it's heartbeat (which isn't unusual at this stage); so, since they knew that we were about to go on va-cay, they decided to try an ultrasound, so that we could be sure the baby was ok. No-one in the office really knew how to use the ultrasound machine, lol; but they did try anyway! We saw that the baby's heart was beating, but the dr couldn't get the baby to move. So, they decided to send us over to the hospital to be sure that the baby was ok. After sitting in the waiting room forever, and feeling like my bladder was going to explode, and after a fire drill that we all had to evacute the building for; we finally got to see the baby, and everything looked good so far! I was having braxton hicks contractions during the ultrasound; and I was having terrible pains in my back, probably from drinking too much; if that's any glimpse of labor, I am NOT excited!! Wow, I'm going to want the epidural ASAP!! SO, the ultrasound tech thinks that the baby will be due around Dec 13, but she said that due dates can go 2 weeks either way! We have another dr's appt on July 1. We'll talk to the doc and see if she "officially" changes the due date! Our July 1 appt. is for the quad screening blood test and the cystic fibrosis test.
So, I'm either 13 weeks (the baby is the size of a peach) or 14 weeks (the baby is the size of a fist)! I'll try to scan in some pics of the lil muchkin!
2 weeks ago
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