Hey Everyone!!
(It's Katie) Sorry it's been soo long; but we've been busy!! I wanted to catch everyone up on what happened in the past week!! I'm way behind on returning phone calls and emails; but I'm working on it!! At our dr's appt last Wed (12/10); our dr informed us that it was time to go to the hospital to be induced, due to pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure, excessive swelling and weight gain, and protein in my urine). We spent Wed night in the hospital and began the induction at 6 am on Thur (12/11); the dr broke my water at 7; and I think I prob had my epidural by 9. Wow, pitocin is AWFUL!! At the beginning of the induction, I was 2 cm 50% effaced. By 7:30pm; they had maxed out the pitocin (20) and I began vomiting violently; which decreased Gavin's heart rate. Our dr said that I was 4cm and 100% effaced; but that it was time for a c-section (due to distress to the baby and failure of labor to progress). We were headed to the OR and had Gavin at 8:08 pm! After almost 12 hours of an epidural, it was really wearing off and the contractions were TERRIBLE!!! They were able to give me a boost of meds around 6pm that lasted for about an hour or so; but were completely wore off when it was time for the c-section. I certainly was given more meds for my c-section; but it was still incredibly painful. They were able to put me under once Gavin was out! I'm sure they didn't like hearing me beg anymore!! (After he was born, they said that he wouldn't have fit out of my pelvis anyways!) He is soo precious and we are so in love with him! What a precious gift from God! Who knew how much love your heart could be filled with! Things were going ok; until they put me on BP meds; which made me REALLY sick!! Once I got off of those, and all un-hooked from my IV's, etc. I was off to the shower and then able to be up and help Josh take care of Gavin!! We were able to go home on Sunday (12/14). How exciting, but my first car ride was painful!! Poor Josh! He did an excellent job going very slow even over the tiniest bumps!
Gavin had his first dr's visit on Mon (12/15). We love Dr Baust!! I even felt well enough to make a stop at Babies R Us, for some much needed baby essentials (I can't remember what they were tho!) By Tues (12/16) I was feeling really nauseous, but still able to function. My mom took me to my dr's appt and then we needed to stop at Walmart (I, of course, had a list that I thought I needed to be there to help pick out!)... that's where things started to take a turn for the worst!! I was getting really nauseous and really wiped out. By the time we made it home, I was able to run upstairs and began violently vomiting again, soo awful after abdominal surgery. After a few hours, I wasn't getting any better and my pain was excruitiating; I couldn't keep done any meds. So, Josh decided to take me to the ER and my mom stayed with Gavin. I think I cried the whole way there and most of my stay at the hospital!! I missed him so much and didn't want to leave him at all! I know that he was in the very capable hands of Josh and my mom and that he was being so well taken care of; but it was still crushing to have to leave him. I was having really sharp pain in my left side, as well as flu-like symptoms. After x-rays and ct-scan it was determined that I do NOT have any hernias!! It looks like I have colonitis (some kind of inflamation and infection in my colon). Who knew a colon could make you hurt so badly!! I begged the dr to let me go home late Wed night; I cried about the baby almost everytime I talked to her; so I think she felt compassionate for me! I promised to be a good patient and do what she told me to! I have a follow up appt with my dr on Mon; to see what's next. I haven't thrown up; but my stomach is still very sick and can't hold down much. It's ok though, b/c I get to be home with my two fav guys!! Gavins umbilical stump is off too, that means he can have a "real" bath in his new bathtub!! YAY!!!
Thank you for all of your encouraging thoughts, calls, emails, and prayers!! They mean soo much to us!! We love you all!!!!! If you are on facebook, please look us up, we have lots of pics posted there!!